Political things

Why is politics so important?

You always hear people saying “Oh politics is so boring”, or the typical “what’s the point in politics?” Well my friend, politics affects every single persons life and we can now see the damaging effects it’s having on the planet. Millions of people across the globe suffer on the daily as a result of political institutions making decisions that negatively impact the most vulnerable in society.

One example in which demonstrates this is universal credit which was introduced by the Conservative party a few years ago and it replaced the six existing benefits with one single monthly payment. This had very negative effects as many people couldn’t afford their rent anymore so they were left homeless without no food or shelter. Denis Tully, chief executive of a homelessness charity, was quoted saying “There has been a rise in homelessness and the main driver of this increase is welfare reform.” Universal Credit ruined many lives and it shouldn’t be acceptable that there are people in society literally living on the streets having to depend on food banks and having no security whats so ever.

Furthermore, another way in which politics is seriously impacting people’s lives, is the British govs involvement in causing the worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The UK are complicit in the suffering of Yemenis as the Tory gov sells billions worth of arm sales to Saudi Arabia and they also train and give technical support to them which is all used against innocent civilians in Yemen. It’s estimated that 60,000 Yemenis have died since 2016 with 85,000 children having died from starvation and 14 million lives being at risk from famine. It breaks my heart that this is ongoing and that whilst the rich and establishment are leading comfortable lives, people are dying at the hands of their decisions. How is it remotely acceptable that the government can get away with such horrific actions?

The mainstream media remains silent on critical issues such as Yemen and the rise in homelessness and as a result not everyone knows about the sufferings many people are going through. Capitalism is destroying so many lives and we can already see the widening gap between the rich and poor as there are now 14.2 million families in Britain who suffer from poverty.

Now you may be asking yourself how you can make a difference on matters like this. Protest, go on marches, sign petitions, write to your MP and most importantly get politically active!! Women would have never gotten the rights they have now if they never protested or got politically active. We can bring about change and create a more equal society where no one has to fear that they won’t be able to eat, or that they won’t have a roof over their heads. Change is possible, and Labour is the only party that will bring about this through progressive taxation, a more green economy and by banning profit seeking individuals who sell arms to Saudi.

Politics is important and don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s not. People die and suffer everyday at the hands of the establishment and the world remains silent.

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